A last rose 99/100

Honestly this shot has been taken months ago. It is one of my most favorite shots of this project. Its simple yet perfect.
Kind of like my idea of this project was once. It started out of a simple idea..take pictures from around the town. And yet it has become so much more, taken on so much meaning. I was going to use this as the last picture of the project. But looking at the calender and knowing there are just a few days left to the year Im trying to get myself motivated to get one last awesome shot for the big 1 0 0 !!!

Otto our Bavarian Hippo 98/100

Otto is a very special friend of mine, painted by our dear neighbor across the street.  The little street we have moved to was full of surprises and wonderful neighbors we have gotten to know through the year. It has been a wonderful time.Thanks !

The firestationhouse Hippo 97 /100

So blue....96/100

Beautiful old church...through the trees 95/100

Watching you 94/100

Where the games take place 93/100